

Vorkuta is a small northern town. It is situated beyond the polar circle in a zone of permafrost. The settlement Vorkuta was founded in the early thirties by geologists in the tundra where coal stocks had been found. On the 26th of November, 1943 the settlement became the city. The name of a city is from the Nenets language and is translated as the "Bear day.” From the late thirties to the beginning of 1950s one of largest gulag camps was located in Vorkuta (Vorkutlag).

Nowadays Vorkuta is a modern city where about 100 thousand people live. It is the large centre of coal mining and the organizational-economic centre of the Pechora coal basin. The city’s industrial production is divided into two categories: coal mining - 74 % and electric power industry - 21 %.

Vorkuta is connected to the centre of Russia by the railway and daily train, Moscow - Vorkuta, and also flights - to Moscow, St.-Petersburg and Syktyvkar.

Winter lasts about 9-10 months and the average temperature is 35 degrees below a zero. Spring is a time of major snow-storms. In summer it is also cold, about 10 degrees above a zero.

Attractions of Vorkuta

The main features of this small town are frequent celebrations. One of such days is the Day of the Reindeer Herder, which usually falls on the 4th of November when the city is already full of snow. Reindeer breeders come from tundra and compete. This day you can see cervine races and races of snowmobiles. Also, you can drive on cervine teams, snowmobiles and to take photos with the aboriginals of tundra - Nentsy.

Despite a severe climate the city is rather interesting and has some places which are worth seeing. And one of such places is the city embankment.

From there you can see the wonderful nature of the north - tundra. In autumn it is especially beautiful. And also from the embankment, you can see the first constructions of a city. Going over the bridge across the river "Vorkuta" you will get to a place where Vorkuta has risen – the settlement Rudnick. There, the first deposits of coal were found. Unfortunately, now the settlement is almost destroyed, but still, you can see it and even to wander on its small streets. The settlement is near to the city centre and getting it is very easy. By buses № 10, 10A, 27, 5, 12 you will reach a bus-stop "Polar region" (Заполярье). Then it is necessary to turn to the right corner of a building “polar region” and you can start your walking tour.

The Vorkuta local history museum

There you can see museum subjects about the history of Vorkutlaga, interesting objects of fossil flora and fauna, works of the Vorkuta authors and artists, unique ethnographic collections and subjects and also a big collection of photos and materials about the city and its inhabitants’ history.

Address: Lenin Street 38.
Tel.: (82151) 4-31-36

Entrance fee is 10 rubles

Buses № 1, 5, 7k, 10, 10A, 11, 20, 22, 27 to a bus-stop "Museum" or "Pool".

Open daily 9.00 - 17.00. Sunday is the day off.

Victory Park

There are a different military memorabilia there (tanks, planes, guns). Near to the Victory Park, there is a church of the icon of Iversky God's Mother. The building is wooden and unusual in the size; it is quite small. Take buses № 7k, 10A, 11, 22 to a bus-stop “The Victory Square”.

If you go by foot from the Victory Square along Lenin street, you can see some more sights of the city such as the Central square, the House of Creativity of Youth, Vorkuta College, and the Miner Palace. Lenin Street is the central city street, all shops and cafe are located there.

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