

The train is called “Northern Lights” and runs between Syktyvkar and Vorkuta. 

If you choose this tourist train, you will be able to see such northern miracles as National Park “Yugyd-Va”, Pechoro-Ilychski nature reserve, the centre of the winter sport “Zanylie,” and others.

Secondly, luxury and comfort are the main traits of the “Northern Lights” train. It consists of two lux sleeping carriages and one restaurant-carriage.

The most significant thing is that during the trip while seeing all the wild forests, listening to the restless wind, you will discover how wonderful the Komi Republic is.

The carriages will be attached to the regular trains that run between Syktyvkar and Vorkuta, also by sidetracks to Udora and Troitsko-Pechorsk. The carriages will be detached in places where tour sites are located. After all the excursions and tour events the carriages will be attached to another train and move further.

You can choose any of its services:
  • A standard tour
  • An individual tour
  • A standard tour with individual variations
  • A weekend tour
  • A business tour
  • A family tour
  • An educational tour
  • A New Year and Christmas tour and so on

The tours by the train offer you different types of activities. They are climbing, horse riding, paragliding, river rafting, and adventure tourism. Besides, you can enjoy fishing, hunting, and pilgrimage. Also, you can visit the gallery with vein quartz and rock crystal in the Polar Urals.
The length of the tour is two days or longer.

The guests can choose a program of their tour themselves from a wide range of recreation activities and attractions.


The Pechora-Ilych State Nature Reserve was created in 1930. In 1995 it was included in the UNESCO list of World Cultural and Natural Heritage, as well as the along National Park “Yugyd-Va”. Rafting on the river Podcherem (Vuktyl district), climbing the Sabre peak, climbing the Manaraga peak and Belltower peak (Pechora region), summer and winter climbing to the top of the Narodnaya's peak (the highest peak of the Urals), and Karpinski peak (the highest peak of the Komi Republic ), river rafting on the Kozhim.

The famous masterpiece of nature, one of the seven wonders of Russia is located on the territory of the Pechora-Ilych Nature Reserve. These are seven pillars of weathering up to 50 meters on the Manpupuner plateau.

History and culture

The old Komi villages. There you can see the crafts, folk art, and take part in the holidays. The main holidays are “Reindeer Day” (Vorkuta), “The Lud Holiday” (Izma), “Vasilei” (The song holiday, Ust-Kylom). On the Ust- Tsilma hill is a ceremonial holiday in the centre of the unique village.

You can visit one of the oldest villages of the Komi Republic. It is Yb village. The Finno-Ugric ethnic and cultural park is located there. Ust-Vym, the historical village, included in a large golden ring of Russia. Also, you can visit protected areas such as the waterfall Buredan and forest in Vorkuta. 

For more information:  

Address: 16700, Komi Republic, Syktyvkar, Ordjonikidze street 14
Telephone: +7 (8212) 288 910

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